Clients are served by a team of consultants with a broad and deep expertise and decades of experience.
The UK team also often work with our international network of consultants.
He has worked in the think tank and NGO sector both in London and Germany before moving into higher education development working at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and Queen Mary University London.
He offers over 14 years of experience in fundraising, strategic communications and programme management.

Passionate about increasing opportunities, Kathy developed and implemented campaign strategies for the Global Business Coalition for Education and the White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood, and founded Nola4Women.

During the 2010-11 academic year, she was Interim Director of Development at St Catherine’s Bramley, closing out a major capital campaign for this leading independent school.

Between 2000 – 2016, Helen was the Director of Development, Alumni Relations & Events at Kingston University.

Inger also has extensive experience of managing strategic partnerships between Linköping University and corporations.


15 years ago she founded ‘Call to Action’, helping organisations develop their fundraising strategies to attract donations from companies and individuals. As a consultant in this space she has created and implemented several fundraising events and developed Governance projects for non-profit organisations.

He has directed major fundraising campaigns in France for organisations like Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Ecole Centrale Paris and Fondation Napoléon, as well as abroad for institutions like the Musée de la Croix Rouge et du Croissant Rouge in Geneva and the Fondation Briser le Silence in Kinshasa.