Brakeley consultants have worked with clients throughout the world. Here is a selection of our clients in Welfare, Environment and Development.

Action in Rural Sussex (England)
ActionAid (Sweden)
Agence des Aires Marines Protégées (France)
Alliance for Global Sustainability (Switzerland)
Alzheimer’s Disease International (England)
Amnesty International (England)
Association of Hole in the Wall Camps (Multinational)
AWO Landesverband Hamburg e.V (Germany)

B.A.U.M. e.V. (Germany)
Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue (Austria)
Bürgerstiftung Hamburg (Germany)

Caritas Internationalis (Vatican City)
CBM – Christoffel Blind Mission (Germany)
Ciudad Saludable (Peru)
CM-Institute (Civilisations Matter) e.V. (Germany)
CMI Crisis Management Initiative (Finland)
CONCORDIA Social Projects (Austria)

Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma (USA)
Diocèse de Créteil (France)
Dorchester Abbey

EAWAG – Eidgenönissche Anstalt für Wasserversorgung, Abwasserreinigung und Gewässerschutz (Switzerland)
Ersta Diakonisällskap (Sweden)
European Forest Institute (Finland)
Euroscience Open Forum 2004 (Sweden)

Fondation d’Auteuil (France)
Fondation pour l’Enfance (France)
Fondation Victor Dillard (France)

Habitat for Humanity (Multinational)
HELVETAS Swiss Intercooporation, Zurich (Switzerland)

Individuell Människohjälp (Sweden)
Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire – IRSN  (France)
International Care Ministries (Hong Kong)
International Fund for Animal Welfare – IFAW (Multinational)
International Maritime Organization (England)
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum (Switzerland)
International Rice Research Institute (Philippines)
IPPNW – International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (Switzerland)

Johanniter Unfallhilfe e.V. (Germany)

Kinderschutz und Mutterschutz e.V. (Germany)

Microinsurance Innovations Facility, International Labour Office (Switzerland)

Planète Mer (France)

Red Noses Clowndoctors International (Austria)
Réseau Entreprendre (France)

Sanctuaires Notre-Dame de Lourdes (France)
Scottish Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders  – SACRO (Scotland)
Sjöräddningssällskapet – Swedish Sea Rescue Society (Sweden)
Society and The Atom (Switzerland)
SOS Kinderdörfer (Austria)
Sounds of Palestine (Switzerland)
St Bartholomew the Great (UK)
St Martin-in-the-Fields (UK)
Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation, Zurich (Switzerland)
Swiss Fundraising Association (Switzerland)

The Crossway Foundation (England)
The END Fund – Ending Neglected Diseases (Multinational)
The Leprosy Project (Hong Kong)
The Natural Step International (Sweden)
Transparency International (Germany)
TSV 1860 München (Germany)

UNAIDS (Multinational)
UNICEF (Multinational)
UNICEF (Norway)
UNICEF Germany (Germany)
UNICEF Schweiz (Switzerland)
Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)

VSO (England)

Welfare Association (Palestine)
WNF (Netherlands)
World Robot Olympiad Association (Multinational)
World Wide Fund (Denmark)
World Wide Fund for Nature – WWF (Multinational)
WWF (France)
WWF Austria (Austria)
WWF Deutschland (Germany)
WWF Schweiz (Switzerland)
WWF Singapore (Singapore)
WWF Världsnaturfonden (Sweden)

York Minster (UK)

ZWERG NASE-Haus (Germany)